Abhivyakti Foundation

Child Development

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Child Development

This programme we have got from CHILDLINE INDIA FOUNDATION. CHILDLINE INDIA FOUNDATION (CIF) is the nodal agency of the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development acting as the parent organization for setting up, managing and monitoring the CHILDLINE 1098 service all over the country. CHILDLINE INDIA FOUNDATION is the sole agency/body responsible for establishing the CHILDLINE service in the cities/districts of the country, monitoring of service delivery and finance, training research and documentation, creating awareness, advocacy as well as resource generation for the service.

CHILDLINE 1098 service is a 24 hour free emergency phone outreach service for children in need of care and protection. CIF undertake replication of CHILDLINE, networking and facilitation, training research and documentation, and Communications and Strategic Initiatives both the national and international level.

This is project supported by the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development and linking state Governments, NGOs, bilateral/multilateral agencies and corporate sector. CIF is responsible for the establishment of CHILDLINE centers across the country. CIF also function as a national centre for awareness, advocacy and training on issues related to child protection.

This is project supported by the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development and linking state Governments, NGOs, bilateral/multilateral agencies and corporate sector. CIF is responsible for the establishment of CHILDLINE centers across the country. CIF also function as a national centre for awareness, advocacy and training on issues related to child protection.


Motive of having Creche is to have adults who take care of children in place of their parents.Abhiyvakti Creche Fund was set up by us with the objective to meet the growing demand for crèches and to provide day care facilities to the children in the age group of 0-5 years.A crèche should be a place where your child is secure and happy while she is away from her home and set up. It should contribute to your child's emotional, social and physical development. Look around and do your homework well so you can find one that is perfect for your child. If you are apprehensive about leaving your child in a crèche, just remember that you are not alone Abhiyvakti is with you. It can be taxing and sometimes even heartbreaking to leave your little one with absolute strangers in a completely new environment. You need to feel assured, comfortable, and confident before leaving your child at the crèche of Abhiyvakti.

Talented youth and students require polishing in their skills and need proper career guidance. Else, they end up in choosing a wrong career. The HWF runs various such initiatives to polish skills of youngsters and guide them in choosing career as per their capabilities.

HWF is eager to train district wise career guidance trainers under the Vision-2016 program. The trainer would disseminate information on educational opportunities and give career guidance and coaching to students along with moral values. Last year we have organized a workshop for this project in Rajasthan and this year plan to be organizing in West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh.